Picking finally began on April 6, which according to Nat’s records is the latest Vintage since 2004. We have again been blessed with abundant healthy fruit. There are busy weeks of harvesting and winemaking ahead, and the scene is set for another great Main Ridge Estate vintage.
The estate has been abundant in every respect this year: a constant supply of tomatoes and basil for the cellar door lunches, a big crop of crab apples for jelly making, a tree laden with mulberries, and all the while the roses are blooming magnificently. What a wonderful legacy Nat and Rose have passed on to us.
We were very honoured to have the 2015 Half Acre Pinot Noir selected for the ‘Somms of the World’ Victorian Welcome lunch hosted by Wine Australia and the Victorian Government at The Stokehouse on April 3. The Main Ridge Estate 2015 Half Acre was presented to the 50 sommeliers from leading international restaurants as a ‘traditional classic’ Australian Pinot Noir – a classification we are very happy to accept!
All the best,
– James Sexton